

(add-inspected-heap-object)(add-inspected-heap-object {:as params, :keys [heap-object-id]})(add-inspected-heap-object connection {:as params, :keys [heap-object-id]})

Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details $x functions).

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:heap-object-id Heap snapshot object id to be accessible by means of $x command line API.


(collect-garbage)(collect-garbage {:as params, :keys []})(collect-garbage connection {:as params, :keys []})


(disable)(disable {:as params, :keys []})(disable connection {:as params, :keys []})


(enable)(enable {:as params, :keys []})(enable connection {:as params, :keys []})


(get-heap-object-id)(get-heap-object-id {:as params, :keys [object-id]})(get-heap-object-id connection {:as params, :keys [object-id]})

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:object-id Identifier of the object to get heap object id for.

Return map keys:

Key Description
:heap-snapshot-object-id Id of the heap snapshot object corresponding to the passed remote object id.


(get-object-by-heap-object-id)(get-object-by-heap-object-id {:as params, :keys [object-id object-group]})(get-object-by-heap-object-id connection {:as params, :keys [object-id object-group]})

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:object-id null
:object-group Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. (optional)

Return map keys:

Key Description
:result Evaluation result.


(get-sampling-profile)(get-sampling-profile {:as params, :keys []})(get-sampling-profile connection {:as params, :keys []})

Return map keys:

Key Description
:profile Return the sampling profile being collected.


(start-sampling)(start-sampling {:as params, :keys [sampling-interval]})(start-sampling connection {:as params, :keys [sampling-interval]})

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:sampling-interval Average sample interval in bytes. Poisson distribution is used for the intervals. The

default value is 32768 bytes. (optional)


(start-tracking-heap-objects)(start-tracking-heap-objects {:as params, :keys [track-allocations]})(start-tracking-heap-objects connection {:as params, :keys [track-allocations]})

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:track-allocations null (optional)


(stop-sampling)(stop-sampling {:as params, :keys []})(stop-sampling connection {:as params, :keys []})

Return map keys:

Key Description
:profile Recorded sampling heap profile.


(stop-tracking-heap-objects)(stop-tracking-heap-objects {:as params, :keys [report-progress treat-global-objects-as-roots capture-numeric-value]})(stop-tracking-heap-objects connection {:as params, :keys [report-progress treat-global-objects-as-roots capture-numeric-value]})

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:report-progress If true ‘reportHeapSnapshotProgress’ events will be generated while snapshot is being taken

when the tracking is stopped. (optional) :treat-global-objects-as-roots | null (optional) :capture-numeric-value | If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot (optional)


(take-heap-snapshot)(take-heap-snapshot {:as params, :keys [report-progress treat-global-objects-as-roots capture-numeric-value]})(take-heap-snapshot connection {:as params, :keys [report-progress treat-global-objects-as-roots capture-numeric-value]})

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:report-progress If true ‘reportHeapSnapshotProgress’ events will be generated while snapshot is being taken. (optional)
:treat-global-objects-as-roots If true, a raw snapshot without artificial roots will be generated (optional)
:capture-numeric-value If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot (optional)