

(delete-cache)(delete-cache {:as params, :keys [cache-id]})(delete-cache connection {:as params, :keys [cache-id]})

Deletes a cache.

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:cache-id Id of cache for deletion.


(delete-entry)(delete-entry {:as params, :keys [cache-id request]})(delete-entry connection {:as params, :keys [cache-id request]})

Deletes a cache entry.

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:cache-id Id of cache where the entry will be deleted.
:request URL spec of the request.


(request-cache-names)(request-cache-names {:as params, :keys [security-origin]})(request-cache-names connection {:as params, :keys [security-origin]})

Requests cache names.

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:security-origin Security origin.

Return map keys:

Key Description
:caches Caches for the security origin.


(request-cached-response)(request-cached-response {:as params, :keys [cache-id request-url request-headers]})(request-cached-response connection {:as params, :keys [cache-id request-url request-headers]})

Fetches cache entry.

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:cache-id Id of cache that contains the entry.
:request-url URL spec of the request.
:request-headers headers of the request.

Return map keys:

Key Description
:response Response read from the cache.


(request-entries)(request-entries {:as params, :keys [cache-id skip-count page-size path-filter]})(request-entries connection {:as params, :keys [cache-id skip-count page-size path-filter]})

Requests data from cache.

Parameters map keys:

Key Description
:cache-id ID of cache to get entries from.
:skip-count Number of records to skip. (optional)
:page-size Number of records to fetch. (optional)
:path-filter If present, only return the entries containing this substring in the path (optional)

Return map keys:

Key Description
:cache-data-entries Array of object store data entries.
:return-count Count of returned entries from this storage. If pathFilter is empty, it

is the count of all entries from this storage.